POLISHANGEL® Thailand NOW OFFERS FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS OVER THB 3,500.00. All products are shipped from Germany by FedEx Express. All packages are insured and delivery will take 1-4 days to Thailand.
FedEx Express handles customs clearance and importation, with no additional work or import duties.
FedEx Express จัดการพิธีการศุลกากรและการนำเข้า โดยไม่มีงานเพิ่มเติมหรือภาษีนำเข้า
If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your order please E-Mail us at: customerservice@polishangel.net. You can return the items within 14 working days of the order being processed. The items must be returned in their perfect, un-opened condition and sealed in their original packaging unless otherwise stated. Photographic evidence of any damage on receiving the order will be required. The costs of returning the items will be your responsibility. Once we receive the items we will authorize a refund. Please note we will only refund for the cost of the items. We strongly advise that you insure the items and get proof of posting in case of loss of damage.